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Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Winter hair static – why it occurs and how to tackle it

Is there anything more irritating than static hair? When you’re already dealing with the cold winter weather, who needs the added hassle of charged up, flyaway hair? In this article, we’ll look at what causes static hair and what you can do to prevent it. Let’s jump straight it.

What causes static hair?

Static electricity builds up due to the transfer of electrons from one object to another. This is often caused by the two objects rubbing against each other. Objects such as your hat and your hair, for example.

Now, in the winter, your hair is primed for static. In the summer, while the air is more humid, the charge when you take your hat off can just go away, but the drier weather means that those pesky electrons will have your individual hair strands trying to flee from each other instead.

In winter, hair is prone to dryness due to both the lack of moisture in the air and the impact of spending time in centrally heated buildings. This can make it more prone to breakage, as well as to static.

And, of course, it’s not just your hat that’s the culprit here. Your scarf, woolly jumper and coat all have their part to play!

Prevention is better than cure

When it comes to dealing with winter hair static, the old adage that prevention is better than cure certainly rings true. And plenty of people realise this. According to a recent survey by All Things Hair, 51.74% of people change their hair care routine in the winter months. And this can work wonders when it comes to preventing static.

One of the key steps in preventing static is to keep your hair thoroughly hydrated. That means using a moisturizing conditioner each and every time you wash, plus working a weekly nourishing treatment into your routine. And that’s just for starters.

You can also use cooler water to wash your hair. Hot water dries out your hair and your scalp along with it, making static more likely. As such, shaving a couple of degrees off the temperature of your shower could go a long way to helping prevent static.

Leaving your hair to dry naturally, instead of subjecting it to the intense heat of blow-drying, can also help it to retain moisture. And, while you’re at it, you might as well ditch the straighteners and curling tongs too.

Another trick is to rub a little oil into the ends of the hair to give it a major hydration boost to prevent static. But use this trick with caution – too much oil and you’ll find yourself dealing with greasy locks instead of flyaway ones.

Dealing with static hair

Even with all these tips and tricks at your disposal, the coldest, driest of days, along with the wrong jumper, coat, scarf and hat combo can still result in static hair. So, what can you do when your strands start seemingly trying to escape from your head?

The answer is simple: spritz. A fine water mist spray can work wonders when it comes to taming those flyaway strands. So be sure to keep a mini mister bottle in your bag for emergency use, just in case!

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