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The History of the Mapogo Lions

The rise in the coalition of the six lions branded the Mapogo lions. There is a documentary filmed on these lions. The habitat pride of the lions from 2004 has been discussed in the documentary. The lions’ survival and hunting skills have also been observed in the documentary.

The Mapogo has been very powerful lions; they have covered large territories over the years. The estimated area that they cover is observed as almost 170,000 acres. The Mapogo lions are very powerful. The coalition from which they have been branded consists of almost six males; their leader was Makulu.

The origin of the Mapogo lions was from the Mala Mala. The pride of six lions moved towards the western sector almost in 2006. The oldest of them was the Makulu. It is observed that Makulu seems unrelated to the other five. The six lions killed a lot of lions and cubs in their territories.

Mapogo lions in the Sabi sand:

The Mapogo lions entered the Sabi sand in 2006. Although they had to face many challenges for survival and hunting, they faced opposition from the dominant lions on their arrival in the Sabi sand land. The Mapogo lions initially kill one lion out of the four powerful lions from the Sabi sand land.

The Mapogo lions have killed a lot of cubs and lions in the Sabi sand land, and they have become the most powerful pride over there. In an estimation, they have killed more than 100 lions in the Sabi sand area and become the dominant lions, and controlled eight prides there.

The words legendary, brutal, and wild are the words that have been used for the Mapogo lions of the Sabi sand. The life story of the Sabi sand lions is very interesting; it shows their brutality, how they survived, their behaviour, and their dominance.

Six infamous Mapogo lions:

There were a group of six infamous lions, and the Mapogo lions were the brand of their coalition. The first one was the Makhulu, the first one he was born in 1998. This one was the oldest out of all the six ones. The second one was the pretty boy.

The pretty boy lions were very clever and very strategic. He always works according to the work strategies and avoids fights. He has fewer scars on his body; he is named pretty boy. The third one was Mr T (Satan). He received the nickname Satan when he killed his brother cub.

The other one is named skew spine. This name was the scar on his spine and the left hip. One of the Mapogo lions members has a problem in his mane that caused the fur to dreadlock; he named Dreadlocks. Finally, one of the members has a kink in his tail; he was named Kinky Tail.

The Makulu lion:

The Makulu is the lion out of the six lions that are not related to the other five members of the Mapogo lions by blood. Therefore, it was a general opinion that the Makulu lion was from the Sparta pride. However, around June 2000, a lion of about 20 months of age was lost from the Sparta pride.

The same year a lion of the same age joined the Mapogo lions group. So it was said that the Makulu lion might belong to Sparta. Makulu is the bravest one and is a very wild lion. So around 2004, all the six lions collectively moved to Sabi sand and covered the large territories.


The Mapogo lions left a long-lasting effect on the Sabi sand land. They have diminished the population of the lions. The Mapogo lions killed more than 140 lions. The park management also shot many lions because their spines were injured so bad they had to be released from the pain. So this is the history of the infamous lions of the Sabi Sand.

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