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Recommended 3 Tourist Attractions Near Borobudur Temple

Source: www.pexels.com

There is a unique fact that it is not clear who the founder of this magnificent Borobudur Temple is. It is estimated that it was built during the Syailendra dynasty in 800 AD. Reporting from the Canggal Inscription, the construction of this temple coincided with the existing temples in the Prambanan area. The period for constructing this one temple took up to 50 years, so the estimated time was completed in 850 AD.

The main function of the construction of this temple is to glorify Buddhism, which uses the model of the universe. The history of the Borobudur Temple began when Buddhism entered Indonesia and there was a desire to describe the life of the people at that time. Not only that, but the function of this building is also as a place of pilgrimage for Buddhists. All people who perform the ritual should enter through the door on the east side and walk in a circle.

Access to this temple is equipped with easy road contours. So you don’t have to worry about taking a vacation to this tourist area. Borobudur Temple is located in the city of Magelang.

In addition to Borobudur Temple, there are tourist destinations in Magelang City that should not miss:

  1. Punthuk Setumbu

Puthuk Setumbu is located not far from Borobudur Temple, about 5 km, precisely in Karangrejo, Borobudur. With easy access, even though the road’s contours are uphill, you can use four or two-wheeled vehicles with a healthy vehicle condition. Not only that, but make sure your body is also in a fit condition so that this trip will feel fun and you don’t lose on the long and winding road.

The main attraction of this tour, namely the sunrise panorama, is very charming. And this is supported because of the location of Punthuk Setumbu, which is at the top of a hill so that the landscape spot is wide and perfect.

  1. Bukit Rhema Chicken Church

Once used as one of the shooting locations for Indonesian films, this church is quite attractive to many people. Not only that, this iconic church is located in an area with beautiful views, making it enjoyable to visit. If you are around one of Indonesia’s largest temples, there is nothing wrong if you visit this place. The distance you have to travel from Borobudur is about 4 km, so it doesn’t take a long time.

The exact location of this area is in Kembanglimus, Magelang, so you can be sure you will find a beautiful village. The reason is, the Chicken Church is in the middle of green trees, which are very beautiful and cool. No wonder you will really like this destination near Borobudur Temple because it can refresh your tired mind. All fatigue can immediately disappear, both from the scenery and the air that is served to visitors.

  1. Umbul Temple Baths

Central Java is synonymous with a hot atmosphere and air, but you will feel a different atmosphere at this tourist location. When visiting the hot springs in Kartoharjo, you will feel very cool and the air is cold. The atmosphere offered to visitors is very suitable for soaking in hot water and contains sulfur which is very good for the skin.

The function of the sulfur content is believed to be able to treat skin diseases and itching. Uniquely, the distinctive aroma of this element is not too stinging, so it is still comfortable when used for bathing. Not only for treating disease, hot water is also believed to be effective for relieving fatigue after a long journey.

Whether your trips take you to a long stroll on beaches, delicious cuisines, relaxing spas and resorts or urban attractions, extra research will give you the best experience for your visit. Get to know more about Borobudur by visiting Wonderful Indonesia.

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