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History of breast cancer: Then and Now

Breast cancer is the second usual cancer among females in the U.S. Researchers worldwide are working to find new and improved methods to prevent, detect, and treat breast cancer, suggested by the best oncologist in Noida.

Breast cancer is the second top cancer affecting women in the U.S. Men can suffer breast cancer too, but this is infrequent.

The American Cancer Society notes that roughly 281,550 females will receive a detection of invasive breast cancer in 2021. It also evaluates that 43,600 of those will die as a result.


One of Noida’s top breast cancer treatment facilities, Zeeva, helps you live a long and peaceful life following the procedure.

Humoral theory

Although theories differed from professional to professional, both Hippocrates and Galen assigned the development of breast cancer to an “extreme of black venom.”

Hippocrates also believed the body consisted of four liquids: blood, phlegm, yellow venom, and black venom. When these were stabilized, a person was healthy under breast cancer treatment in Noida.

However, having too much or too small of one or more of these liquids would create disease or cancer suggested by the best oncologist in Noida.

Lymph theory

Finally, the lymph theory restored Hippocrates’ humoral theory. Lymph is the liquid that takes white blood cells throughout the body under breast cancer treatment in Noida. The lymph theory suggests that lymph, not venom, creates cancer.

Other theories:

Chronic irritation theory:

Virchow thought that chronic irritation created cancer. He also incorrectly believed that cancer increase similarly to fluid. However, in the 1860s, a German surgeon named Karl Thiersch observed that cancer moves around the body due to malignant cells increasing suggested by the best oncologist in Noida.

Damage theory:

Few people thought damage created cancer from the late 1800s to the 1920s.

Transmissible disease theory:

In the 1500s, two physicians in Holland thought that cancer was transmissible. Some people held this faith throughout the 17th and 18th centuries.

Early investigation on breast cancer

Breast cancer recognition was not a part of mainstream media until the early 20th century. Breast cancer involvement did not occur until individual women came forward. Support groups, and eventually political reformer groups, were formed later suggested by the best oncologist in Noida.

Rosamond became the first person to challenge breast cancer treatment publicly. It encouraged other people with breast cancer to speak up, fueling the need for more research and funding for breast cancer treatment in Noida.

Cause of breast cancer

Throughout the ages, nobody has been sure what causes breast cancer. Some of the earliest theories have long since fallen by the wayside, suggested by the best oncologist in Noida. For example, the Ancient Greeks believed bodily humor imbalances were responsible for breast cancer. Research continues today.

Modern treatment options:

Today, healthcare experts know breast cancer has subtypes, each of which has a different effect on the body. This more profound understanding of breast cancer has led to more personalized treatment alternatives and enhanced quality of life for patients and breast cancer survivors, as suggested by the best oncologist in Noida.


It abolishes cancerous tissue. There are various types of breast cancer surgeries involving mastectomies and lumpectomies.


Chemotherapy for breast cancer can diminish and kill cancer cells.

Hormonal therapy:

This medication blocks cancer cells from retrieving the hormones they need to grow suggested by the best oncologist in Noida.

Biological therapy:

Biological therapy operates alongside the immune system to fight cancer cells under breast cancer treatment in Noida.

Radiation therapy:

It uses high-energy rays to kill cancer cells.

Is breast cancer more common today?

You’ve probably heard people remarking how there seem to be many more problems of cancer around these days than there used to be suggested by the best oncologist in Noida.

It is tough to tell whether breast cancer is more common in today’s society or whether our perception is skewed.

  • We have much better diagnostic capabilities today, so more cases are identified.
  • More women are “breast aware.” Today, women are more likely to perform breast self-examinations and get mammograms if they suspect something is wrong. Women are more likely to receive routine clinical breast examinations at their doctor’s office, inevitably meaning that more cases are identified.
  • Up until the 19th century, people died younger. Breast cancer develops more amongst older women, so this increase in life expectancy could skew perceptions.
  • Women used to have more children at a younger age and breastfed for longer, all factors which lower the risk of breast cancer under breast cancer treatment in Noida.


Breast cancer research has come a long way since the discovery of the condition, but there is still so much more to learn about how it forms and how to treat it effectively.

Performing regular breast self-exams and undergoing routine screenings are two ways to detect breast cancer earlier suggested by the best oncologist in Noida.

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