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Wholesale Safety Storage Gas Cylinder Storage Cage: Safely Securing

It is a non-negotiable mission to keep employees safe from harm in the workplace. However, according to the Australian Dangerous Goods Code, many Australian workers are unaware that any gas held in a cylinder is classified as a Dangerous Good. Continue reading to find out how to store gas cylinder storage cages safely.

Types Of Gas Cylinder Storage Cage

There are cages designed explicitly for flammable gas, whether it’s 9 kilogramme BBQ LPG cylinders or larger LPG forklift gas bottles. Alternatively, storage requirements for high-pressure gas cylinders containing flammable or non-flammable compounds may exist. For example, acetylene is a highly combustible gas that is generally kept in a high-pressure cylinder. On the other hand, Oxygen is classified as a Division 2.2 non-flammable, non-toxic material when stored in a high-pressure cylinder. High-pressure gas cages have been constructed expressly for the safe storage of either type; however, they must never be kept together.

A suitable high-pressure gas storage cage will feature warning signage that may be ordered separately so that the user can label the cage according to the material being stored.

When it comes to storing gas cylinders, safety is also crucial. Unauthorised or unskilled persons will not have access to these Dangerous Goods if they are stored in a gas storage cage that can be locked. In addition, gas cylinders should be kept under lock and key to avoid misuse or theft in public or insecure settings.

What Should You Be Looking For?

The type and volume of gas to be kept are the first to consider when investing in a secure gas storage solution. The Australian Standard specifies the maximum volume that can be securely stored on-site. Once this has been determined (and the amount is within acceptable limits), the possibilities for cage type and size can be limited down to BBQ LPG, forklift LPG, or high pressure. Every cage model comes in various sizes to meet your on-site needs. To ensure optimal safety for your team and workplace, look for a purpose-built gas cage that fulfils all Australian Standards criteria.

Correctly Securing Gas Cylinder Cages

The usage of gas cylinder cages at work is strictly regulated in Australia. Cylinders must be physically sound and produced following AS4332, exclusively filled with the gas for which they were designed, tested regularly, stamped with an updated security clearance, and placarded as dangerous products.

Please keep in mind that all gas cylinders (both empty and full) are classified as dangerous commodities and explosive or flammable substances under Australian law.

When cylinders are being used, transported, or stored at your workplace, they must be adequately secured.

  • Only use and store the cylinder in its upright position.
  • If you’re not using a cylinder, ensure the protective cap is on the valve.
  • Ensure that cylinders are fastened with a non-abrasive coated chain, strap, or cable that will not scratch the cylinder or, better yet, a specialised racking system.

Please be mindful that most cylinder-related accidents or injuries occur when relocated. Due to the fact they are frequently large, bulky, and cumbersome, it is easy to knock them over or have them slip while loading them onto a trolley. When handling the cylinder, ensure your employees are adequately trained and wearing PPE gear for the gas enclosed inside.

Separating Incompatible Gases

Gases in Australia are classified into three main categories.

  • Flammable gas, class 2.1 (LPG, hydrogen, acetylene)
  • Non-flammable, non-toxic gases (Class 2.2) (nitrogen, compressed air, helium, argon, carbon dioxide)
  • Toxic Gas, Class 2.3 (chlorine, methyl bromide, anhydrous ammonia)

Warning: Incompatible Gases will react and must be stored separately.

Labelling Your Gas Cylinders As Dangerous Goods Is A Smart Move

Lastly, it’s critical to post the appropriate warning signs at your workplace. First, make sure your cylinders are labelled as dangerous items clearly and legibly. Then, display the legally required placard to give people a visual warning of the gas’s dangers. Placard notices must be visible on the premises and in each building or other facility where cylinders are stored or handled.

Contact Wholesale Safety Storage Australia today for all of your safety needs, including a gas cylinder storage cage!

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