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What Is Fluorosis: Causes and Symptoms

Dental fluorosis is a condition that occurs when over-ingestion of fluoride during teeth’s formation and development leads to alterations in the structure and coloration of enamel. Fluoride is important for reducing tooth decay and building enamel but too much exposure to fluoride during formative years can cause fluorosis, which in turn can be light discoloration through severe hairline defects in the enamel. At Van Nuys dental, we put all the possible information about fluorosis together in this helpful blog post to help you know more deeply about its causes and symptoms.

Causes of Fluorosis

Fluorosis is caused by the ingestion of too much fluoride during critical tooth formation years — generally from birth to age 8. Various factors could lead to an excessive intake of fluoride.

Symptoms of Fluorosis

Prevention of Fluorosis

To prevent fluorosis, fluoride intake should be balanced to enable the best dental outcome while protecting against too much exposure.

In conclusion, knowing what exactly causes fluorosis and what the signs and diabetic acid try as well are will help you to prevent this from happening to your teeth. So that your lifelong dental health is in perfect working order. Always talk to your dentist or primary care provider if you have questions and concerns about fluorosis, fluoride exposure, or what treatment approach may be the closest match for you!

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